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How secure are cloud-native business applications

Mervyn Graham

While cloud-native business applications are quickly becoming the go-to solution for modern companies, concerns around the security of something that isn’t localised on an individuals device may prevent some from taking the leap to go cloud-native.

The reality of the matter is that cloud technology can be perfectly safe and possibly even safer than more traditional alternatives. With servers in secure locations and the files on those servers encrypted, the reality is that the cloud is your best bet if you prioritise the safety of your files. 

There are many benefits that cloud-native business applications avail of but the reality is that the security isn’t perfect. So, if you’re considering going cloud-native, here are some of the riskier factors you need to consider.

Risks of going cloud-native

Securing your files will never be 100% safe but as far as business tools go, the cloud can provide you with peace of mind for the most part. When it comes to those using it, however, there is always the chance that hackers can figure out a way to get the user's details. 

Hacker schemes are getting more elaborate and tend to look more realistic than they did in the past so there is a higher chance that hackers could gain access to sensitive information through an employee making a mistake. 

Luckily cloud-native business applications have the option of adding multi-factor authentication as an added barrier and supposing that doesn’t work, access for users can be limited so there is limited damage if a hacker does get in i.e if a marketing employee gets hacked there may be no reason for them to have sensitive financial information.

While it is more likely to be human error that leads to hacking, there is still a chance the fault can be on the end of the cloud host. Issues can arise from rapid scaling or technologies not being up to scratch. For example, having an insecure Application User Interface (API) can mean that measures like authentication can be bypassed when hacking a system. Rapid scaling can contribute to issues like this with oversights meaning the top security protocols are lacking. 

Staying secure

While remaining 100% secure isn’t an option, the cloud can be among the safest options supposing you follow a few important steps.

One important step is to ensure that anyone that will have access to information is aware of their responsibilities when it comes to cybersecurity. Making sure your team have two-factor authentication turned on and are knowledgeable about detecting phishing scams is essential if you want to avoid being hacked

If you really want to ensure you don’t get hacked and want to use a bespoke cloud solution it is essential that you get the right team to develop your cloud-native business application. If you opt for an off-the-shelf cloud solution then make sure due diligence is carried out relating to the security of the product. Regardless of the industry you work in, having a strong team of developers develop your digital product is the primary step in ensuring cybersecurity for your business. 

While it is up to you to ensure that your team doesn't give away access to their accounts, cloud security isn’t a flawless solution. There are ways for data to be breached if your cloud-native solution isn’t created and updated properly.

While there may be risk, cloud security is far beyond many alternative options for storing and sharing information and can be completely safe if handled properly. 

For the sake of your cybersecurity, check out what Zoosh Product Studio can do to help you build a cloud-native business application that is not only as safe as can be but also come with top quality design and an experienced team that will help you maintain the security of your product as cybersecurity advances.

For more information on cloud native, watch our on-demand webinar 'Cloud Native: Practices, Platforms Services & Architecture'